Monday, October 6, 2008

We're Live!

Finally the profiles have been mailed off to our agency. See the final draft of it on our website blog

Now we wait.... so remind everyone you know that we are parents in waiting - paper pregnant you might say...

Thanks everyone! Jo

Sunday, August 17, 2008

RIP Peaches

Not baby related at all... we had to put peach to sleep on Saturday. I am a wreck, but I knew Saturday morning when I woke up that we would have to do it. She was fine on Friday, but definitely not the next day. She went to sleep just after noon on Saturday August 16th. She is being cremated and her ashes will rest at Dads feet eventually.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Forever and a day.... update

Hi everyone - if anyone still reads this journal that is.

We met with Beginnings, our agency today. Once we make some minor revisions to our profile and send them some money, we will officially be on the active list. So that means our profile gets show to potential birth families. The wait can be a day, or forever. The birth family has to choose us, and then we have to accept the match basically. We are very flexible for what we will accept, so hopefully it isn't forever. But to put it in perspective for you: Last year in Ontario there were 107 babies adopted through the private system. Our agency is just one of MANY in the province. And they currently have 61 active couples on their waiting list. Its not a first come first serve system though. Its who is the right fit each other.

We will get the profile revised sometime in the next week or so... and then cross our fingers.

On another note - I have been given an opportunity to advance at work, and for the next 3 months am officially and estimator in training, while still maintaining my administrative duties.... I will be busy, but if the fit is right for both me and the company, I will be moving to a full time estimator position, after 8 years as an assistant. YIPEE!!!

Hugs to all,

Thursday, February 28, 2008

In Case You Haven't Seen!

Our Profile has been posted.

Check out our version here:

or the same thing, but on an actual Adoption website at:

Bringing us a baby soon we hope.

Love to all.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I Know it's Been Forever

I have been waiting to write this update for about a month now, but I wanted it to be final before I did. We are officially done with the homestudy! It is complete, and we have two copies of it here and our social worker has the main copy with the supporting documents (record checks, dr form, references etc.). We have decided that we will register with ( We will not register with an agency until after MusicFest, and then of course only if there isn't a match.

Our profile is probably a week away from being written (the resume of our lives basically), and then we can do our on line registration and start private advertising. And this also means that we are officially waiting to adopt (paper pregnant some might call it). So if anyone reading knows someone who is looking to place their baby for adoption, please direct them to us. We will likely be setting up a hotmail or gmail account for these inquiries, but for now, just email me.

I hope all is well with everyone reading, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Much Love, Jody & Al

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

An update about the adoption stuff

Ok, so its been a while since we had anything to report on this front, so I figured I had better get my butt in gear with our latest...

Our course at Beginnings was great. We both feel more comfortable with the process of adoption, undestand open adoption much more and are ready to welcome a child into our home through the wonderful world of adoption. So many questions were answered, and some great stories were shared.

Monday night this week Karen was over, and we finished our home study meetings. Now she still needs references from a few people (Mainja, your lovely other half is one of them) although she admits her spam filter may have caught them if they were in fact sent back. She also needs Al's medical finalized, and he is working on that! And last but not least she needs our Peel Police clearances. The RCMP ones are done and she has those. So she said she will write it all up and then call us and get us both on the phone to discuss the stuff she inevitably missed. Then she will send it to us to review for any glaring errors. I can't believe this stuff is actually done, and now we wait for her to send it to us. Its a great feeling indeed.

Now we need to get our butt in gear and write our profile. Its a major thing to do, but without it we can't even get registered with an Agency. And we have to get registered to get a baby. Unless anyone reading this knows someone who wants to place their baby into my arms. If you do, let me know!!! :-)

Think thats all there is to our update. We are getting closer...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The best news yet

I GOT A NEW JOB!!! As of October 1, I will be employed with ServiceMaster of BRAMPTON (instead of Mississauga). SM's are all franchised, so even though they share a name, the companies are completely different.

Everything seems to be falling into place...